I’ve Suffered Yet Another Bike Theft In Las Vegas (Henderson) During a 100+F Heatwave

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Here is a new add I placed on Craigslist which apparently harasser of the homeless “Steve Carson” can’t bear to read as apparently he feels like the victim after his apparent justifications for robbing the homeless has been clearly rebuked, by a homeless person, appropriately. Since Craigslist won’t ban such cyber bully retaliatory flaggers, like Steve Carson, here it will be Lord willing for a very long time, to teach how to rebuff such bullies.

I’m homeless and disabled and woman and guy in their twenties allegedly made off with my light navy blue Cannondale bike while it was locked to a shiny green BMX frame. It is extremely hard for me to walk for long so these people essentially made off with what is a wheel chair for me. I have nothing to get long distances on now and my disability income was wrongfully taken away in 2014 and repeatedly denied despite medical records showing my back is bent and broken, twice broken at this point.

I just barely managed to get my car catfood no thanks to your theft. Remember the petfood bowl you saw near my bike? That it was new and clean just as my bike was free if dust and the lock new when you decided to walk off with it? You may as well be guilty of animal cruelty.

I get stared at for looking filthy in public and guess why I can never afford new clothes hardly? Because of you thieves who have a job and nice clothing and spend your money on drugs and bolt cutters. Get morals already. Why don’t you love the Golden Rule?

Why would you, I’d you already have a car, raid a homeless camp? You trashed my camp and after cops already raided my previous bike and caused me to lose $3000 worth of things I bought. I already had a $1500 electric bike stolen from me five or six months earlier by a thief who kept stealing my bikes year after year. Why do you people with nice houses and cars prey on the homeless, yet you say “homeless for a reason” and “get a job”?
You are the cause of your own insults.

On top of that you cut me off from the church I was going to and where I was trying to make friends.

The 2nd to last image is of my electric bike when it was new. All you cops and thieves have wiped out my stimulus check money and donations and have left me with nothing. Enjoy Judgment Day when it comes.

The last is of a typical thief respondent to my posts when I point their posts, who are so dumb they think I’m going to even begin to read a comment that is in all caps and indictive of a mentally ill person whose nutty looking replies I have read enough to know they only require one reply: Stop assuming things and obey the Golden Rule or get the very same judgment you judged others with, just like Jesus said, get that log out of your eye.

You are the ones people should stare at, if only they could see the evil that was in you!


This is the gospel, that Christ Yeshua was crucified for sinners. I was saved from sins, and stray at times and Yeshua always washes the dirt off my feet/leads me back to walk straight again. I love super hero movie soundtracks and relax music: Marvel Thor soundtracks, Danny Elfman's Hulk soundtrack, I love the Spiderman outfit but in yellow and red, and I love thinking about angels that look like Valkyries. I wish I had a hammer like Thor's, Miolnr, but not to damage or destroy with (except demons) but to travel with and as a kind of scepter to glorify God with having his name and laws all over it. I love cats, and, I like chickens too. My destiny, all our destinies are preordained and inevitable. I love that word inevitable. Are you in disbelief a Calvinist has this as his profile? I look forward to the day when God will put my ID in my forehead so I stop losing it, a glowing ID, like a flame. I think it is possible one day I will breath fire on my enemies and eat them. I hope to be an eternally fruitful date palm for Yeshua one day, who gave me a crazy life in weird America. For now I am an ant, unworthy of God's gifts, I hope that changes soon and will be a heroic king in God's eyes. I will have to engage enemies often in this life it seems. I know God sees me and I have been in disbelief at the amazing things he has shown me in code, by numbers and hidden words in the Bible, a book everyone should decode in the plain and hidden text. God bless Sherlock Daneos Holmes

2 thoughts on “I’ve Suffered Yet Another Bike Theft In Las Vegas (Henderson) During a 100+F Heatwave”

  1. It’s pretty sad that when you are already homeless, disabled, living on foodstamps and donations, people feel they must steal anything you happen to have, criticise you and deride you rather than caring and offering some help or empathy.
    Prayers for better circumstances and more understanding from those you encounter in life……

    1. Thanks. It’s so common I know not to read comments that are in caps, or that have exclamation marks on top of it, or that start of a certain way. It’s Satanic bait.

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