Daniel Radcliffe’s Perverted Sexual Pedo-Obsession

Gender identity philosophy refuted.

First watch https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrJ3oFJLIUm/?igshid=MjljNjAzYmU=

First off, my article is not intended to stole fake Christians, conservatives and virtue signalling jail bird liberals into calling Radcliffe a pervert, groomer, sick or other names or any cultist such things so they can feel better about their own level of sinfulness or feel righteous in comparison. This is strictly an article on good tradition, the Bible, logic, hypocrisy and common sense.

So, why do Woke Liberals like Daniel Radcliffe keep confusing biological gender with state of mind and why are they obsessed with the sexual state of mind of youths and little kids? Notice they don’t interview 2 to 10 year olds? They interview teens: which are . young adults, not kids. As a consequence of everyone improperly calling young adults “kids” liberals in their attempt to carry that logic fully out then decide kids have adult thoughts then. This is what happens when you don’t stick with the traditional definitions of words and the Bible. How ironic it is conservatives who perpetuate this misdefinition while mocking liberals for their own misdefinitions. Conservatives do this so severely, besides being hypocritical and irrational it is clearly backfiring by causing a thorn-in-the-side effect in which liberals double down on their reverse beliefs. But now even if conservatives corrected themselves and admitted a kid is strictly under 11, there is a large entrenched part of the world now that accepts kids as simply being young adults now, and that actually adults can somehow be like interpreters of supernatural signs as to what a kid is sexually in their mind. But why do this “sexual mentality” diviners of kids think it is up to them to facilitate what a kid wants, the whims of a kid? Suppose a kid wants to be a bully or cruel to animals, should that be nurtured and facilitated? They may not know it but their way of attempting to raise a kid is a recipe for a sexual narcissist or psychopath. Without the Bible’s laws being taught to kids the kids will be raised to be permanent residents of Hell. Who wants someone to raise you to be self and sex obsessed and end up in Hell as a result? “As you want done to yourself so do to others, in everything.” – Yeshua


This is the gospel, that Christ Yeshua was crucified for sinners. I was saved from sins, and stray at times and Yeshua always washes the dirt off my feet/leads me back to walk straight again. I love super hero movie soundtracks and relax music: Marvel Thor soundtracks, Danny Elfman's Hulk soundtrack, I love the Spiderman outfit but in yellow and red, and I love thinking about angels that look like Valkyries. I wish I had a hammer like Thor's, Miolnr, but not to damage or destroy with (except demons) but to travel with and as a kind of scepter to glorify God with having his name and laws all over it. I love cats, and, I like chickens too. My destiny, all our destinies are preordained and inevitable. I love that word inevitable. Are you in disbelief a Calvinist has this as his profile? I look forward to the day when God will put my ID in my forehead so I stop losing it, a glowing ID, like a flame. I think it is possible one day I will breath fire on my enemies and eat them. I hope to be an eternally fruitful date palm for Yeshua one day, who gave me a crazy life in weird America. For now I am an ant, unworthy of God's gifts, I hope that changes soon and will be a heroic king in God's eyes. I will have to engage enemies often in this life it seems. I know God sees me and I have been in disbelief at the amazing things he has shown me in code, by numbers and hidden words in the Bible, a book everyone should decode in the plain and hidden text. God bless Sherlock Daneos Holmes

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