What Does He Mean? He’s Just Mean! The ‘Bible Code Valley Bible Church Position Paper’ Refuted

While browsing and organizing my laptop came upon a PDF I had downloaded and either skimmed and thought too stupid to remember or for the first time read the horrible thing. As the title states it’s on Bible codes, and it should never have been written as it is total trash and time waste and blasphemous in a way. It’s written by a supposed Christian supposedly representing their supposed church, and is in reality an attempt to refute intelligent design in the Bible with the help of anti Christians. To enlist the judgment of the world is error one of that document, using anti Christians to judge spiritual matters for you or as a major basis for your beliefs. The document is totally contradictory as the quotes show uses the fact that certain Judaics tried to refutes Jesus with codes are also seemingly used to support their are no codes. So which is it: are Judaics trustworthy or not?

The document fails to analyze or look for any flaws in these silly and worldly arguments. If he, she or they are going to rely on implied experts then they should quote who exactly is saying what and why it is true, biblically or scientifically, mathematically specifically, not just rely on mere claims. Here are things they said down the list of their claims in quotes and my rebuttals.

“Who are advocates of the Bible Code?

Among Jewish advocates: Michael Drosnin (Author of The Bible Code, 1997), Eliyahu Rips, Doron Witztum, Yoav Rosenberg

Among Christian advocates: Paul Crouch, Grant Jeffrey, Hal Lindsey.”

For the record I am a so called Calvinist, a traditional Christian in other words and really, the only kind that is true: the ones that believe God’s will is unbreakable and preplanned by himself and that he decided the course of everyone’s life. I not only believe and promote Bible code research, but have found apparently 1000 or more. Next. In my opinion the article already has started out in a misleading way by placing Christian advocates second to the Judaics and dead Drosnin who was an apparent atheist.

“Is the Bible Code real?
The Bible Code is real in the sense that words may be found by taking letters at set intervals from the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. The significance of this is what is in debate.”

No it is not merely real in the sense that words may be found. That statement is plainly misleading as it does not mention phrases can be found and words together in improbable clusters, symmetries, matching clusters and revealing mathematical signatures of intelligent design beyond even those things, for example in the numbers shown by built in odds calculations and number sequences shown by a specific app I use. In other words God revealed his intelligence in extremely clever ways beyond what whoever the presumptuous simpleton failed to consider and was ignorant about. This shouldn’t have been something for the Valley BC article writer to rush to make a judgement on and declare as true to the world. Foolish. God knew how the app I mainly use works, and it is clear to me wrote the Bible in such a way as to create certain outcomes showing hidden coding, or to put it another away: watermarks and crossword puzzles.

3. “Is the Bible Code from God? This is the big question.”

And yet the author already implied it is merely chance, without evidence. The way he also phrased his question is also bizarre and makes me wonder if this person is a drunk or mentally ill as the proper question is, “Are there hidden words or phrases in the Bible” or “codes”, not “Bible code”. If the writer doesn’t even know how to properly phrase the subject and 23 years later didn’t care to correct his document, or anyone else in his or her church, why would it be reliable?

4. “1. The likelihood of intentionally hidden Bible Codes

At least fifty-three of the top mathematicians in the world, the vast majority with doctorates in mathematics, have drafted the following statement. It may be found at http://math.caltech.edu/code/petition.html”

Problems: Who determined that they are in the top 53? And so what? Second problem: mathematicians are not necessarily cryptologists or Christians, often professionals in science are antiChristians. Second, the subject most specifically is on cryptology, on top of that, it’s a simple form first, skip codes (although I believe there are other kinds in the Bible). They are only partially math codes, as in messages given using math that can be seen in calculations. This subject then requires not simply mathematicians, but cryptologists, or, persons who understand statistics and simply: crossword puzzles. But again, beyond all that, it requires someone who “knows and understands (God)” the Bible says. In other words nonspiritual or anti-Bible types can’t recognize the Shepherd’s voice like a saved Christian can, not fully. Satan can easily deceive them by corrupting their morals and logic. A “petition”? Why are apparently non-Christians so alarmed in believe in divine intelligence being revealed in the Bible they think they must rush to make not just a petition not to believe in EVEN THE POSSIBILITY OF A SINGLE NOT READILY RECOGNIZABLE WORD BUT EVEN MATHEMATICAL CODING? Red flag. Doesn’t the author know these are the same types who mock Genesis and claim we came from a Big Bang despite their own science, their own math showing it isn’t possible? Doesn’t he notice astronomy articles from mainstream astronomers and journalists of such saying that “unexplained” stars and galaxies keep being found, and most recently so many that are fully formed no matter how far back astronomers look in time that some of them call it a “crisis in cosmology” and yet won’t admit they are in error, not even when articial intelligences admit intelligent design is a more evident explanation and even will tell you why if you are clever enough to get it to break it’s liberal-atheist training.

“We are making this statement concerning what have been called ‘Bible codes’ or ‘Torah codes.’”

Here is revealed another problem with their attempt at a rebuttal, as even Judaics admit the Old Testament doesn’t simply consist of the Torah, and Christians of course acknowledge the whole Bible, although there are heretic who deny Paul was of God because it doesn’t fit their demonic beliefs and ignorance. If you are only analyzing part of an entire set of what the author is claiming has to be perfect in order to find any codes (huh!? why!?) then how can you make an accurate assessment? Now I am pointing out a contradiction in his/their argument. You can analyze just the Tanach but there are all kinds of evidences, powerful, beyond what is in the Tanach, so these premature mental ejaculators are only looking at part of the bigger picture, their same mistake with the surface text of the Bible and reality, for example in pretending science refutes the Bible they (non-Biblical archeologists) ignore archeology and pretend only physics and paleontology matters and that whatever they (the liberals and communist atheists who control mainstream, racist and sexist, read the news please) say matters, and that the only scientists who exist are non-Christian ones or ones Christian in name only or who merely talk a bunch about Jesus but teach things contrary to what he and the rest of his Word says.

“We recognize that many sincere people take this phenomenon seriously,
which compels us to speak out on the basis of what our mathematical training tells us about the evidence claimed for this alleged phenomenon.” And there the cat is out of the bag in plain view: mathematical, not code or cryptology and most importantly: Christian training has taught them. Apparently they have none. They are therefore disqualified to judge spiritual matters, and must go through cryptology if they want to stick to “science”. Cryptology also is not merely decryption, it is looking for meaning in words or messages of a specific subject that you would recognize, just like a detective trying to solve some crime. Remember the Zodiac killer? Remember Jack the Ripper? Not everything said is easily understood.

And again, why would they feel compelled? Is Bible code research mounting a unlawful or immoral insurrection? Is mathematics or science going to be destroyed by looking for or having reasonable faith you’ve found a “code”? Stupid.

“There is a common belief in the general community to the effect that many mathematicians, statisticians, and other scientists consider the claims to be credible. This belief is incorrect.”

What is there evidence it’s a common belief in the general community? Most people I have talked to only possibly heard of Bible codes. They are lying. “many mathematicians, statisticians, and other scientists”, who says this, who has said this? Notice also they make a short sentence with a period after incorrect as if they need time to think of some genuine reason why they are correct? Why even bother saying that if they are right and their facts will be obvious? Is me telling someone, “You are incorrect.” some valid way of arguing? Now I have said, “I have found over a thousand codes, possibly” but I qualified that with possibly, and even though I am also firm that I in fact have some actual codes, I have uploaded evidence on my Instagram account and TikTok for anyone to see, and what happened in part is Instagram moderators keep deleting my comments on the Bible then silencing me for days and on TikTok they cheated me out of views I bought, twice, and allowed LGBTQ type trolls to repeatedly get my uploads deleted, and immediately, and even video merely on Bible codes itself with no commentrary about politics or religion, and more than a month later it is tellingly still “under review” and I am not even allowed to view the video stats, as in who liked it and viewed it. Why would you want prevent the user from know who may have possibly harassed them or who is doing so and may be among their followers and so is a stalker unless you were a criminal-minded person yourself? And mainstream science has aligned itself and even generated the antiscience, antireligion LGBTQ++Infinity/Woke Cult from their bad science teachings: racist (anti-Jewish) and atheism-biased science.

“On the contrary,” does adding that add to a valid argument, pretentious narcissistic speech? A person in the right would simply say, “This is wrong because…” not, “No you are wrong. On the contrary,”. Get to it you fools. “…, the almost unanimous opinion of those in
the scientific world” and now notice the vague overgeneralization and appeal to unanimity, the same communist and atheist liberal language used to refute Genesis and the rest of the Bible and pretense that only they (the atheist community) are scientists, only they are professional and that majority/concensus makes right. This is the same bigoted language and false claims used in the news and social media wars against those scientists and doctors who tried to make it appear as if most people supported Joe Biden, that vaccines were whatever they said it was, that they didn’t cause injuries (don’t mention the deaths!) or were so rare that the injured didn’t matter and that natural immunity didn’t count for anything, that there was a big hole in the ozone getting bigger and bigger and we’d all die if we didn’t stop using CFCs, or that the sky was falling because the weather wasn’t aways staying the same, but, oh God no, the climate actually changes, and it’s the poor peoples’ fault, not the rich people flying everywhere in private jets and mining cobalt with kids and elderly people hardly equipped to do so, or making and using electric cars that are so inefficient and use so much electricity that power stations for them are not adequate and put out more carbon to make and use them then an all gas-using vehicle. “Those doctors and virologists saying Pfizer’s vaccines are bad don’t count, we the majority said so! What? What about taking bribes and being funded by Pfizer to say this and through Black Rock? CONSPIRACY!”

You can always tell when truth is around because it triggers the atheists and false Christians in a mighty way, some of them are too stupid to explai their hate so mash an emoticon over and over like a little baby hoping to trigger you back, as if denying the Big Bang, abiogenesis, evolution were true, that Biden is a lawfully elected president, or that the climate changes mostly due to volcanos and the sun, or that the ozone hole is seasonal, that homosexuality and bestiality are wrong because God made it so, or that men dressed up as grotesque overly maked-up fake females and acting overly sexual towards little kids is wrong, or that “female” and “male” have an actua definition, or that the Bible requires Christians to judge, and to judge who is saved or not, and now, that Bible codes exist, is a a comedy act or mortal threat to the immediate existance or that somehow you were sending them to Hell for telling them any of this. Whatever Christian drew up this article must have been a severe ignoramus. “On the contrary, the almost unanimous opinion of those in the scientific world who have studied the question is that the theory is without foundation.” Like the Big Bang, magic abiogenesis, evolution, the Ozone Hole monster, the Global Warming Monster, the Petroleum Monster, the Eating Meat Is Killig Us Monster, the Over Population Monster (so why do liberals keep letting illegals flood in to America and Africans and Midde Easterners who want to rape, pillage and kill them for not being part of their Muslim crime gangs) into Europe? Even Zelesnky won’t allow that. Kim Jong Un sure won’t. They love to murder babies they claim aren’t human and have no right to life so much you’d think they’d want refugees to be repelled and die trying to go anywhere let alone where they live.

“On the contrary, the almost unanimous opinion of those in
the scientific world who have studied the question is that the theory is without foundation.” Most of the world doesn’t know what Bible code are, period. And by the way, only 32 percent of the world believes in evolution theory, and how many of them could we find out were ignorant morons, kids and teens and half senile people, gullible, people who would take as many vaccines as you wanted and died afterwards, leaving you their property to steal or kids to snatch up for some evil purpose.
“UMANIMOUSE I TELLZ YAH, THE MOUSES ARE IN THE RIGHT YA RATS! YA RATTY POOR CHRISTIANS AND JEWS! Gender is justa state of mind! Hold on we have to threaten, beat up and fire a collegue who disagrees so we can keep this facade of consensus up. No no we aren’t cancelling them, okay we are. You too if you disagree with us! We’ll close your bank account! If you keep it up we’ll put your baby in an oven or force you to tattoo 666 on your face! And if you won’t do that either, off with your head!” – Hitler

“The signatories to this letter have themselves examined the evidence and found it entirely unconvincing. We refer in particular to the paper…”

Oh the Grande Poobah Signatories! Oh the top 53 White Priveralged Liberal Mathematicians of the Whole Widest World! No Chiinese, no Indians, no Africans, just us whites, the Signatories of the Fifty Three, Thee Great Ones! The smelly pretention is just dripping everywhere. I wonder how many of these 53 would be diagnosed as having narcissism disorder or suicidal tendencies or an inferiority complex. But so, notice they are going to refer to a specific paper. So, bait and switch. We have gone from refuting that any codes could possibly exist (what the? How? Are you God?) to, a specific paper (written by Judaics, with a sneaky agenda to promote their cult and defame Christianity), and from 1994, so a specific time in this science of code research. These are the logical fallacies of bait and switch, throwing the baby out with the bathwater and sweeping generalization. There is not much point going on analazying this stupid article, so I will skip some stuff.

“Among the signatories are some who believe that the Torah was divinely written. We see no conflict between that belief and the opinion we have expressed above.”

And? Next.

“If God has hidden codes in the Bible, then we should not expect to find derogatory phrases associated with Jesus or God.”

Because? There are negative statements about and towards God in the Bible and everywhere else, that doesn’t invalidate it. Second, who says there are? The author claims they don’t exist so how can any be found? So he has made another contradiction.

“However, Dr. James Price, Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at Temple Baptist Seminary in Chattanooga, Tennessee, has identified many such ‘hidden codes.’ Obviously God did not hide blasphemous codes in the Bible.

What “blasphemy”? Why is it obvious? And how do we know he has found them and how do we know he is not a liberal and how do we know they are not codes quoting blasphemers? Why would finding “negative” and allegedly not of God, codes invalidate the possibility of others? This is completely stupid. Where is this person so I can face punch them for wasting God’s time? Oh wait, Okay, let us pray for these evil, blind and confused stumbling wannabe guides and teachers.

“Dr. Price’s codes can be found at http://www.direct.ca/trinity/codebreaker.html.”

So why would you want to publish blasphemies that the author has claimed God wouldn’t publish? Surely God would not have published Satan saying he would rise above God or Elijah being called a baldy, if he did then the whole Bible is fake! Ugh. Who wrote this article, seems like the devil wrote it.

So, to the imbecile that wrote this article, are you seriously so stupid that you are saying if I find, “God is bad” this is proof of no codes if I find it? So El is bad” cosisting of about five letters appearing invalidates the entire Bible has having even one code? Prove this scienticically, logically, o please. Tell us too that this must therefore apply to anything with a code, anything encypted, if we can find in a skip, “El is bad”. The stupidity is extreme with this one.

“Furthermore, the code is being used by some rabbis to prove that Jesus was a false Messiah since the words ‘Jesus,’ ‘sorcerer’ and ‘false prophet’ are found using ELS”

And you need to repeat it’s by ELS because you think we are as forgetful and unable to follow along like you?

“in the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament.”

Yes, you told us, now kill all Jews and forget religion! Oh those damned rabbis and their misuse of the Bible! Throw out the first five books then! Yes indeed the whole Bible because Jews misused it! Let’s be Muslims and repeat, “The Bible says the Jews handled the pen falsely! See the Bible refutes itself! It’s been negated!” In fact let’s ditch codes too! No! Let’s ditch language itself! No! Let’s go further! Extinction rebellion! Let’s all kill ourselves! How dare rabbis misuse codes! Now codes is bad! Bad bad bad! Bible bad! Everything just bad! Humans bad!

“The very vehicle that some argue proves that the Bible is from God is used to prove the Jesus is a false prophet!”

Like the Bible, blind guide, like human language, like human mouths? What else would you like to throw out with the babies?

“The problem of the Hebrew Text”

Uh oh so now we can’t rely on Hebrew text, Jesus was wrong, you are right.

“The text being used for the Bible Code is the Masoretic Hebrew Text of the Old Testament,” terrible!

How terrible! Throw it away then!

“specifically the Textus Receptus of the Koren Publishing Company”

Oh so it’s the Koren Publishing Company that can’t be relied on to show us God’s word. Why?

“This text is not the original Hebrew text, which no longer exists.”

Period. The end, self-proven statement just cuz, the period proved it, now for the after thought. Hold on, the King James I’m guessing this cultist uses isn’t the original either, so disband your church and get lost. Why is this moron using atheist arguments that are used against the Bible? Something tells me this isn’t actually a Christian. “Not all Israel is Israel’ Paul said. “These people draw close to me with their liips but their hearts are far from me.”

“There are many other Hebrew texts, including texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls.”

And? There is the apocrypha too and something or other of Judas, so what?

“The New Testament usually quotes from the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Old Testament.”

AND? And why is he bringing in the NT to his argument, does he have a problem with the Bible being reliable? It truly seems so with this off-center arguments that also show an ignorance of code cracking and data recovery too, let alone textual critique of the Bible. The copies of the Bible are in general reliable, so reliable Jesus said nothing would be lost. That this confused imbecile is unable to recognize the Sheep-herder’s true voice doesn’t mean no one can.

“Both the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Septuagint often differ from Masoretic text.”

Okay redundant one, but that someone disagrees doesn’t mean no one is right, and it doesn’t mean only you are right about no one being right but you as you are implying. Does your church even exist or did you just make it up? 23 years later I wonder if it did exist if it didn’t fail for monstrous blindness.

“While there are no significant differences that affect the meaning of the text,”

Again, the differences matter, Jesus said so, and you imply you believe him, but now you are backtracking on your own argument that it doesn’t matter. If it doesn’t matter than a reasonable person would be able to conclude the correct copy can be determined, INCLUDING USE SKIP CODE. DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THE CODES WERE WATERMARKS, THAT THEY WERE ERROR CORRECTION CODES? No, because you don’t have any knowledge of those type of sciences and didn’t bother to pray to God to know anything about this subject, instead you relied on your own brute reasoning and the world that hates you, you might as well have prayed to Satan. Sorry did I lose my temper?

“In fact, every known manuscript of the Hebrew Bible has a different number of letters.”

And? This makes no point.

“differences become very significant when counting letters.”

When counting the letters? Skip code finding is neither firstly about counting letters nor mainly, it’s about fiding codes you fool. You have infantile reasoning and clearly mentally lazy.

“If one letter is missing this throws the entire sequence off” no imbecile that isn’t how codes or data discovery works, if a bit in the code is missing it doesn’t cause all other codes to cease to exist anymore than if a letter were removed from the Bible the whole Bible becomes unintelligible. It depends on the skip code length, if a code is short and there are many simply removing or adding letters here and there isn’t going to ruin every code, and with an intelligent enough AI it could find what may be missing or is likely not meant to be there by analysis of variations in all the ancient copies. Perhaps you are truly confused when you say, “Bible code” as if in your stupid crazy thinking you think the codes are all linked as one giant code and if one letter is off nothing can be understood. But such reasoning itself is contradictory because if you don’t believe in them at all why have you then switched to the matter of ‘if a letter is missing” (or added)? Either God is reliable or not, either he is telling the truth or not. There is no “Well he is mostly reliable” in true religion. That’s your cult, not mine.

“Because we do not have the original text,”

Yes imbecile we do, again just because false Christians like you can’t tell which is which doesn’t mean true Christians can’t either, not everyone is blind and confused or as blind and confused as you clearly severely are. So the rest of his rant is repetition I see as if he thinks everyone is a moron but himself apparently. I’m not going to bother reading his childish rant. It’s dumb. Literally imagine if you typed “poop” in as a code and found it and this guy then says, “God would say poop. Codes are false.” This is a clear moron.

I will bring up another argument I have heard twice but without logical eplanation or evidence, that it is numerology. Now I will not engage in stupid arguments of ignorance and the Bible says to avoid them as they lead to strife to those who listen, who keep on listening to such at least, but I will end it with this; get a dictionary and read the meaning or meanings of the word you are using and don’t pretend you know till you actually do know.

Yes, there are codes, and not because I merely said so, in fact, some are not in skips, they are in the plain text, and when reading Hebrew, backwards to English speakers, yet for Hebrew speakers, the codes can be backwards for them so easier for English and Greek (etc) speakers!

Blessing to all the true Christians and the fools, because God even blesses the fools, he said so, and I believe it.



A Commentary On Jeffrey Satinover M.D. and His Book Cracking the Code

To Jeffrey Satinover,

You asked but did not bother to show you did any serious research on the question is John 1:1 was merely poetic metaphor. Why would it be, or why couldn’t it be true even as a partial metaphor? Why did you not bother to show why it would be true according to those Christians (all of them incredibly!) you claim in your book are estranged daughters of Judaism? Apparently you don’t know the history of Judaism and are estranged from God and therefore Christ and therefore Christianity. Judaism was born in Babylon, and it has taken root in Jerusalem. Christianity was born of God, practiced by the angels and is rooted in Heavenly Jerusalem. Earthly Jerusalem which God has repeatedly called a whore and unfaithful and therefore estranged from him has been repeatedly destroyed and will come to an eternal end and be replaced by Jews who know and understand God and Christ his sinless perfectly just and loving Son.

No, John 1:1 is not merely poetic metaphor anymore than genuine Bible codes are merely random chance. Christ is superior to you, how can you think you are superior to the One whose word is everywhere and trusted by hundreds of millions of people and angels, rejected by Satan and therefore Satanists, to the One you don’t bother to do serious research on and presumed was nothing? How did nothing produce millions upon millions of followers who bless and pray for Jews even when they are hateful and dismissive and insulting and make sweeping generalizations like you do, ones based on nothing?

To compare the words of God to rabbis whom Jesus called skeletons people walk over and don’t even know it is totally oblivious of you, presumptuous and arrogant. You remind me of atheists and pagans who suddenly triggered at seeing truth as the rabbis were who hates Jesus ask, “where’s your proof?” as if suddenly they care to know and not knowing it themselves must mean no one else would know. What kind of stupid thoughts and pretends, virtue signalling is that? So they question one with knowledge whom God moved to do honest research often very convenient thanks to search engines he allowed to be made then comes Satan finger pointing in derision, “I know everything because I just do therefore you cannot know more than me or anything that contradicts what I know!” Excuse me? How hard is it to type, “proof/evidence for Christianity” and so on? But when God puts in their face while they actively avoid and suppress it, suddenly are enraged to mock, with mock questions and as if no one can see through the pretense of their truth avoidance? These questions of “What’s your proof?” and “Aren’t these just man’s words” or pure mockery using mocking faces via emoticons and as if clicking them again and again proves anything is as stupid as a wild animal or criminal thinking his rage or loud or angry sounds is proving anything. So merely asking a anyone, especially a Christian (full truth-lover, specifically Bible truths) again and again, “what’s your proof” or merely insulting with “I don’t believe in sky daddy” as their father Satan has taught them to do proves nothing itself. No amount of, “this IS metaphor” or “isn’t it metaphor” or “Jesus wasn’t the living embodiment of Truth” or “he wasn’t the living embodiment of Truth was he?” or “haha I’m laughing at your, I’m insulting you with my words and hating you” disproves anything. It does prove that the people who have such stupid thinking, people who think THEY by doing so as if they were God and by their mere disbelief or words claim the sun doesn’t exist because they said so or is just relative, subjective, and so based on THEIR state of mind (and why does only their state of mind counts and anyone else who agrees with them?) are insane. It proves they are very immature, narcissists or self obsessed, and totally deluded with the belief: “only if I arbitrarily believe some thing is true or real is that thing true or real.” PROVE IT. Prove such faith thinking. Make money appear in your wallets you atheist Pentecostals, you pagan Pentecostals. Why are the beliefs of someone who opposes yours not true if everything is merely relative, or why does only your faith count, your opinions, your so called facts? People who believe reality is subjective and realize the absurdity of it when it’s pointed out and how self defeating it is to claim such (as it then is excusing anyone taking advantage of their delusion by permitting anyone else saying their evil is good when they do evil) will try and cover up their error when they feel embarrassed by it or sensing they are endangering themselves by merely lying and claiming they DO believe that reality is real, is not relative to feelings in order to not sound totally insane and to confuse and frustrate those who oppose their relativism. They will even hide behind “science” as they think merely claiming to be scientific and doing certain experiments and admitting CERTAIN cherry-picked truths must mean they are fully rational, superior, totally logical and that nothing they speak against like Biblical morals or anything in the Bible must be wrong. So if they say the Golden Rule is wrong or wrong to NOT lie then it must be TRUE that is not wrong to lie (feeling crazy yet?). Their facade of being fully logical and the only arbiter of truth and beholden to it quickly crumbles when you ask them to define WOMAN, FEMALE, MALE. SCIENCE, TRUTH, EVIDENCE, PROOF, LOVE, HATE, VACCINE, HEALED, HARMED, DESIGNED and any other word they love corrupting to grift off of, to take advantage of the public, even their so called peers. They may even (already been done!) rewrite a dictionary so it fits their arbitrary lying and hatred, how convenient. By doing that they think somehow this is better than outright saying, “reality is whatever I say it is, it’s subjective”. And there is another “trick” of Satan: generalizing, being vague. It’s subjective to whom? To everyone, to the Christ antichrists oppose? It’s subjective to those who HATE GOD. Who hate truth, ultimate, absolute truth. They even think by ignoring a truth it minimizes it or makes it go away or that is there hope, that by forgetting or hiding it that it will cease to be a problem. No, Christ will not cease, he will become ever more a thorn digging in to your side the more you lie about and hide him. He cannot be hidden, mocked or lied about, not for long, and you are not in control of the narrative, God is.