The “God Is Love” Bible Code Decoded

Ε Σ  Τ  Ι Ν

Oat (wrapped)
Oats (wrapped)
Get (wrapped)
Sop (wrapped)
Pose (wrapped)
Nest (wrapped)
Top (wrapped)
Pot (wrapped)
Tea x 2
Iopa (IHOBA, Yehovah)
Theos is one
one son
One theos

E S  T I  N


Who Is Wise

Blessed is he who was borne of Yeshua.
Hello to all of the true church of Yehoba.
Bless is Yeshua, He was borne of Yehoba.
Everyone who loves God: be wise in Him.
Blessed will be the children of The Saved.
Love from God is necessary for salvation.
Blessed will be their children born sinless.
Love from mankind cannot save souls.
Blessed are those borne after Judgement.
Overcoming sin is a mark of The Saved.
Blessed are those who judge on J Day.
All who die unsaved: God never knew them.
Blessed is he who comes in God’s Name.
Christ will say to them,”I never knew you.”
Blessed is he who preaches the gospel.
Reality torments the unsaved: be careful.
Blessed is he who comes for truth.
On their bad days they may persecute you.
Blessed is he who loves Truth.
Sin begets sin, but God can use it for good.
Blessed is he who hates lies.
Time does not slow God, God controls time.
Blessed is he avoids strife.
In everything, love and glorify Him.
Blessed is he whose eyes God has opened.
Christ, my God, s the lamb of Yehovah.
Blessed is he whose mind is free in Christ.
All the world should praise the Lamb.
Blessed is he who shuns pride.
Kids and adults should praise him.
Blessed is he who is humble in Christ.
Everyone should love Yeshu.
Blessed is he who shuns strife.
Love for God is possible if God loves you.
Blessed is he who has eternal life.
I love God but only because He loved me.
Blessed is he who comes to share Life.
Ultimately God is in control, not our will.
Blessed is he who knows wrong from right.
Salvation occurs on Earth Jesus taught.
Blessed is he who obeys God day and night.
Everyday is the day of salvation  it says.
Blessed is he who sings songs in purity.
Question: do you know better than Jesus?
Blessed is he who fasts from sin.
Ultimate authority and love, God has both.
Blessed is he who waits for Heaven.
All things are possible for those God loves.
Blessed is he whom Heaven lets in.
Loveless liars, cultists, claim to love God.
Blessed is He who rules with perfect judgement.
Satan deceived using false holy people.
Blessed are those who resist the Devil.
6000 years is about for how long.
Bless is Christ who overcame Satan.
Blessed is the Messiah nailed sin to the cross.
6,500 some think, perhaps it is longer,
Blessed are the saved Christians.
6,999 or 13,000 it could be. Calculate it.
Blessed be those with beautiful spirits.
In Genesis are various dates to calculate.
Blessed is he who loves God above all.
No sin or good deed will be hidden forever.
Blessed is he who comes to help the poor.
God will reveal them on Judgement Day.
Blessed is he who rejects evil bribes.
Revelation will be understood by his own.
Blessed is he who arrives not to steal.
Every saved person will understand it.
Blessed is he who prays for adequacy.
Everyone will understand Daniel 11.
Blessed is he who prays for peace.
Kings and queens may not know, but
Blessed is he who prays for truth.
God has given the keys to all his kids.
Blessed is he who prays for God’s love.
Everyone who calls on Him for salvation,
Blessed is he who prays for salvation now.
Michael then, the arch angel will arise.
Blessed is he who prays to be born of Christ.
Angels watch over those God forgave.
Blessed is he who was born again.
Truth isn’t unknowable: some know more.
Blessed is he whom God knows.
Rely on God to know and understand Him.
Blessed is he who understands Yeshua.
In due time he will reward those he saved.
Blessed are they to whom God is faithful.
All who are born again cease being slaves.

SETI searches for signs of information coming from civilizations outside of Earth. Yet they fail to recognize the information already there, and that the Bible is such information. It came from Heaven, it originated from the Creator of Life.

Blessed is he who came in the name of the Creator, who proved it with parables and by speaking in code.

Cultist Catholic Patrick Madrid Fails Christ Again

So today on Catholic Radio Catholic Madrid said in reply to a female Catholic cultist who being a control monger didn’t want her kid or kids to have a cellphone because they were too dangerous, even for 17 year old Catholics as the woman said and Madrid agreed cannot defeat temptation (so, Catholics, stay in your cribs of ignorance), “…so we have to have new tools and new strategies,” to protect children from the evil on the Internet (people looking for children), says Catholic cultist, false teacher Patrick Madrid, how is prayer, the Bible and training in correct doctrine insufficient? So accidentally admit Catholic “sacred tradition” and Popes are failures against CORRECT DOCTRINE TAUGHT ONLINE. STOP GAS LIGHTING KIDS AND EVERYONE ELSE.

A Rebuke of False Christian Byron Stinson Who Spread Lies About the True Church and Gospel On Coast to Coast AM

First of all Byron Stinson, you false teacher of Christianity, you aren’t saved, this is obvious because you preach a false gospel that Jesus loves everyone and salvation can be achieved through obeying the Law, which how blind are you that you cannot see the whole point of God relentlessly punishing the Jews is for either not obeying it or trying to get to Heaven by obeying it? Also the Bible is clear salvation cannot be obtained except through Christ, you making excuses for Jews as God giving them and different religion is Satanic stupidity, there is only one true religion, as Acts makes clear which you don’t get, there is no salvation by Judaism, it’s of Satan, “the synagogue of Satan”/”you are of your father the Devil”. Do you know who spoke those phrases? Do you know who asked, “who invited you you vipers?” What then are you claiming God loves everyone for? “You hate all who do wrong.” Psalm 5:5. As for your claim, “He wants us to all be one”, that is not what Scripture says if you mean it’s his will, Jesus said he thanked God for only revealing his will to HIS CHILDREN, not “to the world”, but thankful God hid it from the world. But even if you meant emotionally, so what? The Bible says friendship with the world is hatred for God, and that light cannot have fellowship with darkness. It is clear that billions of people will be murdered by AntiChrist and God’s plagues as on Egypt. How is it you don’t know Hebrews which makes it clear Jesus fulfilled the sacrificial laws? Finally blind guide, you clearly don’t know what the true church is as you stereotype the church as simply being anyone claiming to be a Christian and disgustingly claim “the church” persecuted Jews and tries to “force feed” Christianity to the Jews. Evil idiot is that what Scripture says? No evil Moron Jesus said it’s the other way around, that Jews, whatever religion except the true one, persecute Christians and murdered the prophets for as you think, “trying to force Christianity” on them, but in those days it would simply be for preaching repentance and to call on God for forgiveness, and to trust in the coming Messiah, “the lamb of God” as Abraham prophesied would come. Judaism you fool didn’t come till Babylon captivity. Why do you think God calls Jerusalem “Babylon” and says they preach like babies, babble? Do you even know Sodom and Egypt and Mystery Babylon refers to Jerusalem? Do you know the Bible repeatedly says Jerusalem will be destroyed? Did you bother reading Jeremiah? Do you know the phrase unquenchable fire in Chronicles? Do you know what city God said he would burn with unquenchable fire? Do you know how many times Jerusalem has been desolated? Do you know Jerusalem will be replaced? Did you forget Jesus said Jerusalem would accept a false savior who would come in his own name rather than God’s? Do you know how big the replacement of Jerusalem will be?Christians are not to aid cults. A true church doesn’t help Mormons, or other false prophets like the JWs and heretic Pentecostals who teach the false doctrine that the main sign of salvation is speaking in tongues, and who do so without an interpreter, who speak demonic babble as they are not even saved as they as does every cult, teach that salvation is by human free will rather than God’s will who pre destines and “sets up whomever he wills” and makes some pottery for destruction and others to be preserved and says he will never let the righteous stay dead, not “the righteous will fall if they will it and go to Hell if they feel like it.”You are such a lost imbecile you misinterpret the rapture which even Pentecostals get half right, you weirdly made a claim I have never ever heard any Christian claim, that when Jesus comes we’ll die, and then babbled about Daniel being resurrected. Confused super moron if Daniel is resurrected why would we die? God how dumb can you be? Second you massive fool the Bible is clear the past Christians like Daniel were already resurrected when Christ was, it says this was witnessed by many. Third the Scripture you misquoted says, “WE WILL NOT ALL SLEEP”/DIE you idiot, not “we’ll die when Jesus comes back”. How crazy are you? There is a SECOND resurrection, at the end of the thousand years, there are not three resurrections you fool.You no doubt don’t get the sower and seeds parable even though Jesus explained it do you? It does not teach salvation can be lost, it teaches once you get it you bare fruit and never stop, not “and some trees stop and go to Hell”. So if you have a false gospel in which you think you are under God’s love rather than WRATH before you have asked him for forgiveness and trusted Jesus died for ALL YOUR SINS, THAT MEANS PAST TO FUTURE (NOT MERELY PAST ONES AS FREE WILL CULTISTS BELIEVE WHO THEN NOT TRUSTING JESUS IS SUFFICIENT PLAY THE OBEDIENCE AND WORKS GAME AND END UP EVER MORE SINFUL FOR TRUSTING IN THEMSELVES TO GET SAVED OR “DIE AND THEN GET ETERNAL LIFE” AND WILL END UP GOATS BEING TOLD BY JESUS HE NEVER KNEW THEM).IF YOUR FUTURE SINS ARE NOT FORGIVEN THEN JESUS ONLY DIED FOR PAST SINS, WHICH IS COMPLETELY NONSENSICAL. There is no salvation that is “doled out in parts prayer after prayer”, that isn’t good news that stupid torture. As for anyone claiming, “but we have to repent”, and? Where does Scripture say, “repent over and over to be saved and get eternal life”? NO WHERE. YOU GET ETERNAL LIFE, AS JESUS SAID, PAST TENSE, ARE FORGIVEN, NOT, “BEING FORGIVEN,” NOT, “WILL BE SAVED ONE DAY”, NOT, “YOU’LL BE FREE AFTER YOU DIE”, YOU ARE FREE FROM SIN RULING OVER YOU ON BEING FORGIVEN, SAVED, AND THAT COMES WITH, DEATH? NO, ETERNAL LIFE, BORN AGAIN A NEW CREATURE AS A SPIRIT, NOT, “YOU NEED TO DIE AND THEN SUDDENLY YOU HAVE A SPIRIT AND GO TO HEAVEN”. Huh? If you die how do you get a spirit, YOU ARE DEAD! A true Christian gets an eternal spirit (hence eternal life) once forgiven. Now you did not trust in that, hence you are still in your sins, confused and blind.

The Daniel 11-12 Prophecy Problems

The Daniel 11 ProblemI’ve watched and read plenty of information on Daniel 11, some say it is past, others future, others say partially fulfilled. The problems if even partially past:1. Who are the upright ones? Are they Christians or just generally honest and why mention unsaved sinners honest or not and who weren’t recorded in history so no one will know if came true or not?2. Who was the taxer who died after a few days? Augustus resigned many years, not a few days, so those who say it’s him are wrong.3. If future we have this problem: Edom, Moab are extinct, and Ammon is no more or called Jordanians perhaps, but still, no one thinks of them as Ammonites. Regardless, Moab and Edom are gone. Even if we imagined the Palestians as perhaps a metaphor for Edom, or whoever, that leaves Moab, and who would Moab symbolize? But there is no clear reason to think of the Palestinians as Edomites.4. If we consider the desolation and speaking against God verses future but all the rest fulfilled that causes another problem as Daniel 12 is a continuation of 11 and says the return of Christ happens after the northern king pitches his tents in Israel, so the desolation and blaspheming verses aren’t some sort of prophetic riddle they momentarily breaks the time flow of the other prophecies.It seems impossible to resolve. The only solution is if Edom, Moab and the Ammonites each represent future unknown kingdoms in the spirit of the old ones they are called. The Jordanians of course would best fill as Ammon, but what people would take the place of Edom or Moab? If Palestinians took over former Edom, supposing Israel exiles them, who becomes Moab? What nation is known to have come from an incestuous relationship other than former Moab and what nation is around their former land to fill in their boots regardless?I don’t want to accept Scripture is in error after all I’ve learned showing it isn’t, but these problems don’t seem possible to resolve. It’s as if Daniel 11 has a verse or verses that don’t belong. Perhaps they don’t, and are from bad copies of Daniel 11. I have no problem with anything else in the Bible.If you have a perfect solution that resolves what I’ve brought up please let me know in the comments section.