Holy Invisible Intelligence: ”Grass didn’t exist back then,” say Mainstream Scientists

Hands off my leaves! Scientists discover sabre-toothed tortoise
by John Hutchinson
3/25/2011/11:05 AM

With its fearsome canines and a mouth filled with teeth, experts could have been forgiven for thinking they’d discovered another great dinosaur predator.

But this prehistoric tortoise is no more predatory than its latter-day relative.

Rather than being a snarling meat-eater this sabre-toothed beast – that lived 260million years ago – feasted on leaves and stems [and the evidence for this is, or should we all just have “blind faith” in whatever you say?].

Odd: Surprised scientists have discovered the remains of a sabre-toothed vegetarian – which was the size of a dog but has an uncanny look of a tortoise about it

The fossilised remains of the creature, known as Tiarajudens eccentricu and which was the size of a large dog, have been discovered in Brazil.

While apparently unnecessary due to it’s vegetarian tendencies, the dagger teeth will have been very much needed to fight off predators and enemies.

Speaking to LiveScience [another Mainstream Science cult], vertebrate paleontologist Juan Carlos Cisneros at the Federal University of Piauí in Teresina, Brazil said: ‘If you asked me how surprised I was about finding this fossil, I can tell you that finding a fossil so bizarre as Tiarajudens eccentricus, a fossil that looks like if it has been made from parts of different animals, is like finding a unicorn.

‘You see it, but you don’t believe it.’

Discovery: The leaf-crunching animal lived 260 million years ago in what is now Brazil – and used his dagger teeth to ward off enemies

Discovery: The leaf-crunching animal lived 260 million years ago in what is now Brazil – and used his dagger teeth to ward off enemies

In addition to the crayon-size saber canines, the entire roof of its mouth was covered with teeth.

Grasses did not exist at that time

SAY WHAT? “GRASS”?! Yeah because that’s way more complex saber-toothed torti and every other animal.. 0_0 What extremist stupidity! Is there no end to the stupid things anti-Christians will say and do? Only gullible, insane, moron or greedy liars only interested in temporary pleasures and making money (which now is also temporary) say extremely stupid things like that. It didn’t exist back then because: “We can’t see it anywhere,” and just like you can’t see the human fossils and footprints (some along with dinosaur footprints) stuck in “millions of years old” rock, coal and sediment, and on and on and on. At least the Huffington Post didn’t make or repeat such a stupid claim, wouldn’t put it past them though. Learn more about ooparts at s8int.com or read Forbidden Archeology (which includes findings from famous evolutionists themselves).

Update 6:05 P.M.

The Grass That Broke the Pseudo-scientists’ Back

I thought dinosaurs DIDN’T east grass cuz there was none around:  Dung Reveals Dinosaurs Ate Grass (And from guess who?: Livescience! And what’s this article date here?: 17 November 2005 Time: 09:01 AM ET? So, you had SIX YEARS to get your lies straight, but are so arbitrary, careless and money-addicted, you still couldn’t do it. That’s what happens when you get addicted to pleasure and lie too much, you contradict yourself, to no end.


Those who care about the truth, remember it;
those who don’t, lie.

An Interesting Coast to Coast AM Show This Early Morning

George Noory had Linda Moulton Howe on, and they were at odds with each other on the true danger and origin of the H1N1 virus. Linda was baffled as to why George and his listeners were so suspicious and fearful of any vaccine, and yet she claimed that the paranoia was from speculation of baseless information on the Internet, which George politely and indirectly pointed out was also from some doctors that he’s had on. George was baffled as to why she trusted doctors so much though knowing that governments in general were not trustworthy. Linda’s reasons earlier for explaining her trust of the vaccines was because she had taken many and was ok (which is an ignorant argument since many were clearly harmed by vaccines, even admitted by the Washington Post concerning the Polio Vaccine, and that’s just one of hundreds of examples) and because she had a deep respect for doctors (apparently because of her safe experiences with them). Her reasoning is bizarre, and reminds me of a teen I once met years ago, who told me that cops were good, because they protected people, and an atheist who years ago told me that scientists believed in evolution because it was their job to learn the truth. That reasoning is clearly flawed since merely having a certain kind of job doesn’t make you moral or competent, as is demonstrated every day, ever hour, ever minute, and many people, including police and scientists are fired for not doing their job right, not wanting to do their job right, and also sued for causing monetary, emotional and physical damage. It’s also known that myths, including harmful ones, can be and still are perpetuated by cultures, people of various organizations, and of various kinds of groups, like scientists and police. One example of a years long perpetuated myth among police , including the FBI and CIA, and in the forensic community, was that it could be determined if a bullet came from a certain gun if the bullet had certain markings on it. Among scientists in general was the myth that evolution occurred in pregnant animals including humans (not that I believe animals are humans), which some Darwinist scientists said was a deliberate lie that came from a scientist named Haeckel (and it says a lot about the intelligence of Darwinists that they would believe something so stupid and nonsensical – why would evolution be repeated in the stomach by a baby? Stupid.) Another myth is that there are geological columns (layers of dirt) that show a gradual pattern of evolution over millions of years showing simple lifeforms becoming more complex ones over millions of years, and with the baseless belief that bigger = more complex. Many people still believe those things because of stupid propaganda from stubborn deliberately ignorant Darwinists in leadership positions, who use clever distraction tactics, pretty pictures and videos to persuade the ignorant and reinforce their claims. Another myth commonly used by Darwinists to support macro-evolution (which is when one animal is said to turn into another) is that birds on the Galapagos Islands were proof that Darwin was right (about one animal being able to turn into another), but rarely will an evolutionist be bold enough to directly make that claim, which is why I used brackets. Instead, in their delusion or on purpose, they lieve out “about one animal being able to turn into another” because they know that no one ever found evidence that one animal turned into another on the Galapagos Islands, or anywhere else. What they claim is that o the Galapagos Islands, are various birds with different shaped beaks which were once the same kind of bird, and that their beaks are very different now because they turned into other kinds of birds. That is clearly stupid because anyone can see that there are all kinds of cats and dogs, from lions to little cats and wolves to little dogs, and that despite their great differences, they are all the same kinds of animals and their different features just give them different advantages, rather than making them different animals. But Darwinists are so stupid they think that merely different beak shapes among the birds of the Galapagos Islands is enough evidence to say that the birds are so different from each other than that means dogs can turn into cats and cats can turn into dogs if you wait long enough. One Darwinist museum creator was so deluded that he thought just putting two cats on an island without any other cats was (macro-)evolution! It always amazes me how such stupid people can get prestigious positions and jobs and high pay, yet I know it’s not a big surprise to me because many people hate God and are happy to help and promote others who are good at getting others to hate God, especially if they can even get people to stop believing in him.