Zeno’s Infinite Halves Paradox, Solved, In Two Ways (The Arrow and Bow Paradox)

I’m not sure if I understand Zeno’s Paradox correctly, but if I have, I believe I’ve solved it by one of my solutions.

The “paradox” is this: Will an arrow ever leave a bow if it must first cross the half of each distance it travels? This “paradox” was meant to prove to people that change (including motion) is an illusion. It’s clearly wrong however as we can all see things changing and moving.

It’s that simple.

Here is another paradox, which is based on my misunderstanding of Zeno’s Arrow and Bow Paradox:

Would you ever reach your destination (a finite one, like, one foot away) if you must first cross the half length of the destination but only after first crossing the half of every other half in that first half? My answer is that you would reach your destination simply by moving forward and crossing that length. If Zeno had said, “first cross the first half before crossing the other halves” then you would either never reach your destination IF the inner space were infinite between the start and finish point, or would reach it if inner space is finite. But no one has yet found if inner space is finite, so, who knows?

More information:

Zeno’s Paradoxes Undeniably Solved For The First Time Ever


This is the gospel, that Christ Yeshua was crucified for sinners. I was saved from sins, and stray at times and Yeshua always washes the dirt off my feet/leads me back to walk straight again. I love super hero movie soundtracks and relax music: Marvel Thor soundtracks, Danny Elfman's Hulk soundtrack, I love the Spiderman outfit but in yellow and red, and I love thinking about angels that look like Valkyries. I wish I had a hammer like Thor's, Miolnr, but not to damage or destroy with (except demons) but to travel with and as a kind of scepter to glorify God with having his name and laws all over it. I love cats, and, I like chickens too. My destiny, all our destinies are preordained and inevitable. I love that word inevitable. Are you in disbelief a Calvinist has this as his profile? I look forward to the day when God will put my ID in my forehead so I stop losing it, a glowing ID, like a flame. I think it is possible one day I will breath fire on my enemies and eat them. I hope to be an eternally fruitful date palm for Yeshua one day, who gave me a crazy life in weird America. For now I am an ant, unworthy of God's gifts, I hope that changes soon and will be a heroic king in God's eyes. I will have to engage enemies often in this life it seems. I know God sees me and I have been in disbelief at the amazing things he has shown me in code, by numbers and hidden words in the Bible, a book everyone should decode in the plain and hidden text. God bless Sherlock Daneos Holmes

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