I very weakly encoded/encrypted Antichrist’s name on my blog at If you skip my pinned pages, pardon the skip code pun, and ignore my rebuttal pages, and ignore my jokey one, you will notice a strange post that stands out from the others and is kind of nonsensical the way it was written, a hint something is hiding in it. You may wonder why hide such a perilous need to know thing, well, to prove a point, some codes are stupid and low priority, and so to those who say “anyone can find codes” like an arrogant 15 yr old conceited Chinese girl said to me named Hannah (please pray for her salvation now) or “anything can be a code” (as in meaningless), no. There is a reason encryption is used everywhere for even stupid things or a single word, and on my blog I give people a much less harder challenge then Revelation, because I already decoded it by God’s grace, and it’s spelled out right in your face. Yes, anything can be a code by subjective interpretation, the problem with that argument is it is at it’s core, self refuting. It is essentially: “anything can be true depending on how you view it”. WRONG: a male is a male and female a female and science (true science) is not anti-science. Lying is not truth or “not rape” “rape” because you put your hand over an eye. And of course to say “there is no truth” is a self cancelling statement. To say “there are no beautiful women because I covered my eyes” or “trees in a forest make no sounds because I covered my ears” is total schizophrenia dumb dumb talk. It’s very immature and such moronic thinking would disqualify anyone from being a judge, detective or cop. Imagine telling an employer you want a job with, at a BANK, GUN STORE, NUCLEAR POWER PLANT or HOSPITAL, “Hay, mon, yo!: anyting can be tru, I tell yu, so if me say me is Elon Musk and Bill Gates’ son den believes me, don’t my talk scream me is a smart and honest person?” Yeah… Anyone can say someting mon, dat doensn’t mean everyting is of EQUAL importance or NO importance.


This is the gospel, that Christ Yeshua was crucified for sinners. I was saved from sins, and stray at times and Yeshua always washes the dirt off my feet/leads me back to walk straight again. I love super hero movie soundtracks and relax music: Marvel Thor soundtracks, Danny Elfman's Hulk soundtrack, I love the Spiderman outfit but in yellow and red, and I love thinking about angels that look like Valkyries. I wish I had a hammer like Thor's, Miolnr, but not to damage or destroy with (except demons) but to travel with and as a kind of scepter to glorify God with having his name and laws all over it. I love cats, and, I like chickens too. My destiny, all our destinies are preordained and inevitable. I love that word inevitable. Are you in disbelief a Calvinist has this as his profile? I look forward to the day when God will put my ID in my forehead so I stop losing it, a glowing ID, like a flame. I think it is possible one day I will breath fire on my enemies and eat them. I hope to be an eternally fruitful date palm for Yeshua one day, who gave me a crazy life in weird America. For now I am an ant, unworthy of God's gifts, I hope that changes soon and will be a heroic king in God's eyes. I will have to engage enemies often in this life it seems. I know God sees me and I have been in disbelief at the amazing things he has shown me in code, by numbers and hidden words in the Bible, a book everyone should decode in the plain and hidden text. God bless Sherlock Daneos Holmes

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